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Action bar

An action bar contains a collection of horizontally aligned icon buttons. When there is not enough space, icon buttons that don't fit will be added to an overflow menu.


Action list

An action list is a vertical list of interactive actions or options. It’s composed of items presented in a consistent single-column format, with room for icons, descriptions, side information, and other rich visuals.



Autocomplete inputs allow users to quickly filter through a list of options to pick one or more values for a field.


Comment box

A comment box allows users to write and preview comments.



A Dialog is a floating surface used to display transient content such as confirmation actions, selection options, and more.


Filter input

A input that provides suggestions through qualifiers and highlights complex filter syntax.


Toggle switch

A toggle switch is used to immediately toggle a setting on or off.



A token is a compact representation of an object, and is typically used to show a collection of related metadata.